Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Sweater number 3

This is the third sweater of this kind so I can nearly knit this in my sleep.
This sweater is for my sisters second oldest son (age 14) and he was very pleased with the result. It makes me happy to see my knitting is being used.
The first sweater was for my brother (age 20) and the second was for my sisters oldest son (age 16).
I did take a picture of all three of them together wearing the sweater, so this will come.

Pattern : from Navia
Stiches : 6 mm and 7 mm
Yarn : Navia duo


Lea said...

Hold da op hvor du kan!
Den er super flot og skal nok blive slidt op.
Så er han klar til at møde vinteren som vel mest er regn hos jer.

Lydert said...

Hvor er den da bare blevet flot, det er et dejligt mønster